Friday, June 6, 2014

D-Day is still very poignant in the memories of the French!

In 2010 I wrote to the Genealogical Society of Normandy, France for membership because I have a number of direct-line ancestors who came from the Normandy area of France. I received the following reply which I have translated using google translate:

Good evening, Madam, 

We are always very happy to have members of the New World, from Canada or the United States. In fact, we will never forget the effort and sacrifice of Americans for the liberation of France in 1944. Especially me who lives near Sainte-Mère-Eglise and whose village Sébeville, was liberated during the night of June 6, 1944. Annually, the U.S. military comes and skydives alongside their British comrades, Canadian, French, and even now, Germans and they are wonderfully welcomed by the population. 
I have created your account GeneaBank:
(Personal account information)

Jean-Jacques BREGUET 
President of CEGECAL 
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7:34 PM 
Subject: Cegecal - Registration GeneaBank 
Bonsoir, madame,

Nous sommes toujours très heureux d'avoir des adhérents du Nouveau Monde, du Canada ou des Etats-Unis. En effet, nous n'oublierons jamais l'effort et les sacrifices des Américains pour la libération de la France en 1944. Surtout moi qui habite à côté de Sainte-Mère-Eglise et dont le village, Sébeville, a été libéré dans la nuit du 6 juin 1944. chaque année, les militaires Américains viennent sauter en parachute à côté de leurs camarades anglais, canadiens, français et, même, maintenant, allemands et ils sont formidablement accueillis par la population.

J'ai créé votre compte GENEABANK :…
bien cordialement,

Jean-Jacques BREGUET
président du CEGECA

Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7:34 PM

Elisabeth Vassel in front of the church at Neuilly-le-Malherbe, Calvados, Normandy, France when we visited Europe as a family. The village of our ancestors back into the 1400s.